DIY Sequin Collar

I love having just a small amount of sequin peeking out. It is a subtle way to add a bit of glam to any look. This sequin collar shirt I can wear under a chunky knit sweater, or under a fitted long sleeve, stripped shirt. Embellished collars are a great way to dress up a shirt and add personality into your outfit. Although there maybe many shirts with embellished collars out there, I recommend making it yourself at least once. It will make you feel accomplished that you recreated an expensive  runway look for less. Give it a go!

What you will need:

  1.  Button-down shirt with a collar (like this)
  2. Sequin trim (1/2 inch in width) (like this)
  3. Aleene’s Jewel It Glue
  4. Pins
  5. Scissors

What to do:

  1. Lay out the collar of the shirt flat on the table.
  2. Measure out and cut enough sequin trim to cover the collar from one edge to the next, curving on the sides.
  3. Place glue on the collar and then glue the first row of sequin trim. Use pins to keep the sequin trim in place.
  4. Measure out the next rows and glue them down until the collar is covered completely.
  5. Let dry over night!

Embellished Collar Trend

Amanda Peet | Natalie Portman

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